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About Triage

After September 11, the debate on the role of intelligence in the Western Nations Security intensified in proportion to the seriousness of the attack and not adequately provided for.

It's actually from the fall of the communist regimes that the world powers victor from the "war waged", questioning the actual effectiveness of their instruments of analysis of intelligence and security, in a context characterized by non-conventional risks and threats multidimensional.

In all Western countries, there is, therefore, used in reforming structures and operating methods and developing capacity to fight against emerging network of organized crime at the international level and transactional.

In other words, they had to redefine priorities, tasks and roles of intelligence agencies in a world suddenly become "less safe".

In this context of renewal lies Triageduepuntozero, member organization of the European Center of Studies and Orientation (CEOS -

Triageduepuntozero associates the amount of data that each day examines the geographical size of the analysis, so far, instead only treated with the traditional intelligence strategy.

The location of analisys Triageduepuntozero provides, therefore, the ability to display data on the territory.

This mode is different from tables, reports, diagrams and maps the data because the place where they occurred, allowing you to instantly view perspectives otherwise hidden.

The analysis of Triageduepuntozero permit, therefore, to improve significantly the use of the available information because the data involved include a spatial relevance, optimizing the appearance of the usability of the solutions that has always been the first important feature for achieving the objectives.


FaLang translation system by Faboba
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