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Tension increases between Armenia and Azerbaijan after Azeri military forces shot down an Armenian MI-14 combat helicopter in Karabakh’s Agdam district on Wednesday 12 at approximately 13:35[1]

This episode may jeopardise the already fragile peace and ceasefire that the two countries reached after the bloody conflict over Nagorno Karabakh in which died more than 16 thousand people between 1988 and 1994[2]

Presumably, the helicopter was engaged in Unity 2014 joint military exercise between Armenia and the self-proclaimed Republic of Nagorno Karabakh in which were deployed, according to Armenian Ministry of Defence, «17000 servicemen of the Armenian Army, 550 artillery weapons, 250 armoured vehicles, 150 units of anti-aircraft warfare, 300 units of anti-tank warfare, 100 units of special equipment and more than 1200 cars»[3]

While Armenia considers the episode as a deliberate attack, Azerbaijan kicks back saying that Armenian helicopter opened fire against its positions forcing retaliation. It should be noted, however, that it is not possible to retrace precisely how events occurred relaying only on the videos available on the web.

So, while waiting for any form of enlightenment, it would be worth understanding why a drill-flight took place so close to the Azeri border; plus, it shouldn’t be ruled out the possibility that such military exercise was “studied” as a display of force after last summer clashes. 


[1]Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Armenia, Press release (

[2] Christoph Zürcher; The Post-Soviet Wars. Rebellion, Ethnic Conflict, and Nationalhood in the Caucasus; New York University Press, 2007.

[3]Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Armenia, The Armenian military exercises - Unity 2014 (

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Alessandro Mazzilli

Degree in International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Turin.

Expert in Foreign Policy of Defence and Security and the relationships Euro - Atlantic.

Geopolitical analyst.

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