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Flags - Croatia and European Union Flags - Croatia and European Union

The European Union has undeniably made a lot of progress since that day, the Treaty of Rome in 1957.

Almost every aspect of national policy is now determined from Brussels with the European Council and the European Parliament.

The EU now even has its own Foreign Service and is discussing to create your own intelligence and federal police.

After ten years of arduous negotiations, Croatia from July 1, 2013 will become the twenty-eighth member of the EU and will enter the Schengen area by 2015.


Britain a country "anti-European" for excellence in danger of losing pieces, the fact Scotland through its First Minister Alex Salmond has announced that 18 setttembre 2014 will hold a referendum on independence from the United Kingdom.

According to Salmond an independent Scotland should not submit an application for EU membership because it is already in the EU as part of the UK, but according to Barroso, things are not exactly so because in case of secession from Britain's Scotland will not be allowed automatically the EU, as claimed by Salmond, because to become a member you need to conduct autonomous EU (after having applied for membership) with all the other Member States and obtaining their consent, although in this case it may seem paradoxical.

Ms. Nicola Sturgeon deputy Salmond disagrees: an independent Scotland can not come to be in a position to which you must re-apply the lengthy procedure for entry of the new Member States or it can be removed European citizenship to a people that has been in the EU for 40 years.

Now Salmond says he wants to keep the pound as currency for his country, and not the Euro as claimed until recently.

Whatever his choice an independent Scotland will have its interest rates set by a foreign bank or the Bank of England in London and the European Central Bank in Frankfurt.

In the midst of these uncertainties, the SNP (Scottish National Party) pro-independence party who claims the proceeds of the North Sea in combination with fishing, agricultural industries, whiskey, would be sufficient to maintain an independent Scotland that is not part of the United Kingdom or is not part of the EU.

What we need in the event of winning the Scottish referendum is to be a compromise, which determines the "continuity" of Scotland's EU membership without counterproductive expectations for the Scottish people and to this day the trade-offs in Europe have always found.

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Mario Neri

Law degree, postgratuated master degree in Criminology. 

International law expert and programs relating to the peacekeeping in crisis areas.

Reserve Officer of the Italian Army "Folgore". Intelligence analyst.


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