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Wednesday, 20 November 2013 13:15

Egypt is using billions of dollars sent by the Arab States of the Gulf its allies in order to try to stimulate the economy as well as to try to keep its streets relatively " calm " in the hope that investors and tourists can soon return .

Egypt has a huge budget deficit , an overvalued currency and an economy in deep crisis.

Published in Middle East


Thursday, 14 November 2013 12:39

The economy of Gaza is collapsing , while the demolition by Egypt of smuggling tunnels along the border of sand that separates the two areas, the demolition of the tunnel is added to the flight of investors and donors fleeing a conflict zone. The Palestinian economy could shrink dramatically this year after an average annual growth of around 9 % during the 2008-2011 period.

Published in Middle East


Monday, 30 September 2013 13:31

Dalga is a country town in Al- Minya in Egypt , which in result of the protests and peaceful demonstrations made by its inhabitants against the coup regime , has been invaded by police and soldiers with tanks, helicopters and other weapons bombarded with heavy and surrounded by the Egyptian armed forces by prohibiting the entry and exit of any person.

They destroyed and burned homes, arrested persons under the guise of trying heavy weapons laboratories and production of arms and to protect the Christians in the area that according to the account of the coup leaders were persecuted . Despite all the inhabitants of Dalga did not respond to provocations and still continue to fall every day in peaceful demonstrations.

Published in Middle East


Thursday, 22 August 2013 20:07

The truth is always enlightening helps us to be courageous.

The truth helps us to be ourselves, helps us to recognize, to show us for who we are.

E 'in the name of truth that we must act, we must move.

Without truth, we would not be anything. A. Moro

Published in Middle East

On the bloody civil war that Egypt weigh more than the religious motivations funding occult and not that rich monarchies of the Gulf, the U.S. and Turkey to send the warring parties.

Voluntary contributions to confirm a weak peace, such as those sent by the United States to the Muslim Brotherhood a year ago to get a non-aggressive policy with Israel, or like those now sent by the countries of the Gulf to radicalize the clashes.

Published in Middle East

They are doing everything to try to overshadow us, not to bring out the facts and the testimonies of people who have lived and are living the events in Egypt. The Research Institute on geopolitical risks Triage Duepuntozero I have the honor to preside, is collecting various testimonies and material of all kinds in order to bring out the facts, the truth that they do not want to leave. Our intent is to work on the reality of the facts in order to develop analyzes of higher level and try to identify geopolitical risks, with the ambition to predict future developments. We had already predicted what would happen in our risk report 2013/2014. In spite of everything, we will continue WITHOUT ANY POSITION TO TAKE NO DEPLOYMENT and emphasizing the TOTAL FREEDOM Institute, about what is happening in the Egyptian Theater ALWAYS LOOKING FOR THE TRUTH.

Published in Middle East


Saturday, 17 August 2013 02:20

In this day of anger after the Friday prayers and took to the streets millions of people across Egypt despite the curfew, to protest against the military dictatorship that continues to kill without mercy.

Some people have made a shield to protect banks and churches.

Tanks, helicopters and snipers on the buildings massacring people took to the streets, the number of victims is not yet defined.

Published in Middle East

Relatives of victims killed by the Egyptian army are a clear rejection by the Egyptian to give them permission to bury their loved ones and are forced to sign reports of death where it is indicated that the victim committed suicide ... in this way the army is trying to take away his responsibility for this massacre.

Published in Middle East

Demonstrations throughout Egypt after the black day yesterday, also in Alexandria, Egypt took to the streets many people braving the army which has proclaimed a state of emergency yesterday that will last for a month, and that the will make every cruel act forgetting every human rule.

Published in Middle East


Thursday, 15 August 2013 18:28

The Egyptian security forces have violently repressed the Muslim Brotherhood camps of al-Nahda and Al-Rabaa Adawiya in the capital, Egyptian sources speak of more than 800 deaths among the ranks of the pro-Morsi supporters, but it is extremely difficult to provide realistic data. The clashes spread outside Cairo too, in particular in the northern city of Minya, where 15 people were killed and a Coptic church was torched, and in the city of Fayoum, where 17people died. On 15/08 supporters of Morsi stormed the government building of Giza and burned with throwing Molotov cocktails. A cameraman Skynews, Mick Deane, and a journalist in the UAE, Habiba Ahmed Abd Elaziz were killed on Wednesday. 

Published in Middle East
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