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Amer Al Sabaileh

Amer Al Sabaileh

International Public Relation, Goverment Sector, Business and Human Develpoment, Strategic Analysis.

Member of the teaching staff department of the European languages and Studies University of Jordan – Amman.

Doctorate, Italian Studies University of Pisa “ Arabic and Islamic influence on the other’ s life concepts in the Mediterranean area in the medieval age.

Peace Building and Reconciliation University of Coventry, UK

Master’s degree, Education to peace , International Co – operation, Human Rights and the Politics of the European Union.

Bachelor’s degree-higher diploma, Italian and English literature-Douple Major.

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Steps to guarantee successful elections

Wednesday, 05 August 2020 11:44 Published in Middle East

This week a Royal Decree was issued in Jordan to hold parliamentary elections in accordance with the provisions of law. The final stages of preparations are being made for new elections to be held on November 10, and the right atmosphere must be prepared for successful elections. Elections are a critical component of any democratic process, and preparations should ensure inclusive procedures to maximize participation amongst all social and cultural groups and avoid any risk of boycotting or campaigns that devalue the process and therefore, the outcome. 

La politica globale sta cambiando e le dinamiche tradizionali in atto dalla seconda guerra mondiale stanno cambiando. Molti paesi, specialmente in Medio Oriente, hanno costruito le loro politiche sulla divisione tra Oriente e Occidente e la loro politica estera e la partecipazione alle alleanze si sono effettivamente basate su questo conflitto ideologico. Negli ultimi anni abbiamo assistito all'evoluzione della guerra al terrorismo che ha influito su questi pilastri tradizionali e le alleanze stanno diventando sempre più basate su vantaggi economici e reciproci.

Keeping an eye on Southern Syria

Sunday, 19 July 2020 21:24 Published in Middle East

Recent developments in southern Syria demonstrate the growing threat from terrorist and criminal groups in the area and the need to pay closer attention to the evolving situation. This is a growing risk of instability right on Jordan’s borders, and increasing the security threat in its major cities. The instability is not merely a result of security threats but also the economic hardship that people are under and the apparent lack of policies or strategies that for preventive measures to manage the risk. 

Potential instability on the borders is a critical risk for all countries, especially in the Middle East. This is particularly so for Jordan, where the risk has been high for many years now, and security threats on the border such as lawlessness and fighting creates fertile ground for criminality and terrorism. This kind of instability combined with economic hardship could also lead to significant increase in the number of locals that join terrorist groups. 


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