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As the “Friends of Syria” summit begins this week, intense terrorist attacks are expected all across Syria. 

Expectations of a military intervention in Syria were reduced after the “Eager Lion II” military exercises. Meanwhile, the American Axis are back to meeting under the umbrella of the “Friends of Syria Summit”, to discuss sending weapons to the rebels in Syria.

Published in Middle East

The explosions on April 15 in Boston have shown, once again, the usefulness of a proper management of communications in a crisis situation and have shown how effective synergy between traditional media and social networks, and as important vehicles news from the field, both as a means to provide assistance and help to all those who are looking for news on the people involved in the event, and, finally, as a means to contain the crisis. 

We are a "risk society" and this connotation now universally shared, no longer needs further explanation since the risk, individual and collective, to which we are daily exposed, has not only achieved high levels of perception, but characterizes so much of our actions that individual habits often undergo revision if not of actual rollovers. Live, move, make decisions, participate, share collective moments that act within a complex society like ours, where it passes from one stage to the potential risk of a crisis within hours if not minutes, has made it increasingly essential to an institution, organization, and even more so for an institution to become familiar with the criteria that a communication, then it was called "crisis" states, and that over the last few years has honed.

Published in North America


Wednesday, 17 April 2013 13:12

Two explosions at 12 seconds apart rocked the finish line of the Boston Marathon instantly killing three people including a child of 8 years Richard Martin, seriously wounding 140.

The episode of Boston is certainly to be categorized as a terrorist act even though we can not know if it was designed and built by a group of terrorists, foreign or domestic.

Published in North America
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Eversione e Terrorismo


Risorse Energetiche

Cyber Warfare

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