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Keeping up to date with challenges

Tuesday, 29 March 2016 10:09

Since the first intervention of the Russian military in Syria, the battle against Daesh had turned to a new breadth. The terrorist group started to broaden its target map, trying to prove its capacity to rule everywhere.

Published in Middle East

Russia’s withdrawal from Syria

Wednesday, 23 March 2016 15:34

A political solution for Syria seems to be top priority for both Moscow and Washington. To achieve it, Russia and the US supported two important decisions: “To stop financing terrorism” and “to impose a political settlement”.

Published in Middle East

The ceasefire agreement in Syria was imposed by a UN resolution in order to make a political settlement in Syria possible. The ceasefire will help restructure the status of various fighting groups and hopefully will put an end to the chaotic supply of weapons.

Published in Middle East

Russo-American rapprochement in Syria

Tuesday, 16 February 2016 10:04

Moscow and Washington seem to have uncharacteristically reached a compromise in their positions on the issue of a political solution in Syria since Russia intervened militarily in Syria. The Russo-American rapprochement tests the political flexibility of most regional players.

Published in Middle East

Earlier today, a tactical Russian Sukhoi Su-24 warplane was shot down by two Turkish F-16 jets. Predictably, Russia and Turkey red the episode in opposite ways: according to Ankara, the Russian jet violated its national airspace and ignored all the warning given by the Turkish pilots; according to Moscow, however, its bomber aircraft was flying above Syrian territory near the border and may have been shot down by Turkish artillery.

Published in Middle East

Collaborating on Syria serves entire region

Wednesday, 28 October 2015 19:00

The Russian military move in Syria came after a series of meetings and understandings Moscow reached with several parties, including Washington. The lack of decisiveness in the US policy, which prevailed in the foregoing phase, especially since the emergence of Daesh, created a space that needed to be filled; it imposed a policy that would counter the absence of a real vision to confront terrorism and its multiple effects.

Published in Middle East

Assad’s Moscow visit, what does it change?

Tuesday, 27 October 2015 13:48

What does Syrian President Bashar Assad’s visit to Moscow signify? Why hadn’t Assad visited President Vladimir Putin earlier? And why has Russia declared this visit? With the recent ground shifts in Syria after the powerful Russian military intervention new facts have emerged to confirm that the Russian move was not arbitrary, rather it was systematic and pointed to a new roadmap that begins by setting the military balance on the ground.

Published in Middle East


Tuesday, 06 October 2015 15:58

Come tutti sapete, nel gioco degli scacchi il cavallo si muove ad elle sulla scacchiera, va avanti ed indietro ed incide sulla vittoria finale.

In questa altalena riesce a bloccare le mosse dell’avversario oppure a confondere il gioco.

Published in Middle East

Ucraina: la “partita” continua

Thursday, 13 August 2015 14:00

Oltre sei mesi dopo la firma posta sugli accordi di Minsk, la situazione in Ucraina orientale non offre garanzie. Eppure, durante il mese di luglio, è stato registrato un numero di violazioni del cessate il fuoco inferiore rispetto ai mesi precedenti. Una lettura in chiave scettica è, tuttavia, obbligatoria dato il re-intensificarsi degli scontri nelle ultime 24/48 ore. La città di Donetsk e il villaggio di Shyrokyne continuano ad essere epicentro dei “combattimenti” tra le forze ucraine e quelle indipendentiste, e lungo tutta la linea di contatto la tensione resta alta. Inoltre, la popolazione civile continua a far fronte a serie problematiche, quali la mancanza di acqua, energia elettrica, assistenza medica etc.[1]

Published in Europe

The new Suez Canal

Wednesday, 12 August 2015 00:08

After the inauguration, last Thursday of the new stretch of the Suez Canal, with great ceremony by the Egyptian government and an exceptional array of security and protection of the event the Head of the Press Office of the Embassy in Moscow Egyptian Aiman ​​Mousa in He explained: it is 72 km of parallel channel to the old built 146 years ago. The new channel will allow ships transiting to proceed in both directions and reduce the waiting period from 11 to 22 hours, increasing revenues.

Published in Middle East


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