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Bomb in Bangkok

Monday, 17 August 2015 17:40

A bomb of great potential was detonated in the center of the Thai capital probably placed under the tank of a motorcycle parked in a very crowded. Some witnesses report the explosion under a bench can not be excluded that the bombs made by TNT readily available, have been more than one and blasted with the trigger connected to a mobile phone.

Published in Asia & Pacific

Women Yazide sex slaves

Thursday, 06 August 2015 18:19

The deputy Iraqi Yazidi Vian Dakhil denounced the kidnapping and sale as sex slaves by Daesh of about three thousand women, girls and children of the Yazidi religious minority in guilty silence of the US and EU.

The mass kidnapping took place in the northwest of Iraq especially in the city of Sinjar some months ago, but just now talked about openly.

Published in Middle East

All have long known (Authorities and experts) that the italian oil facilities in Lybia were sensitive targets, expecially because it is completely uncovered from any form of both passive and active safety.

Published in Africa

Sono passate molte ore dalla notizia del rapimento dei 4 dipendenti italiani in Libia e le informazioni continuano ad essere confuse oltre che contaminate da personali punti di vista e riflessioni di vari esponenti. Quattro soggetti che senza scorta si muovono tranquillamente in un determinato teatro come quello libico devono obbligatoriamente avere una preparazione o un addestramento che gli consenta quella libertà. Chi di voi andrebbe ad operare in un ambiente ostile senza avere un briciolo di tutela personale?

Published in Africa

Mosques closed in Tunis

Monday, 06 July 2015 01:39

The Tunisian government closed 80 mosques hoping this is the more effective response to the terrorist attack of Sousse. The measure actually looks superficial and of little use to contrast ISIS right now. Mosques should instead remain open and be monitored absolutely right to rebuild the network of potential affiliates and supporters of Daesh.

Tunisia is totally lacking an intelligence apparatus that can prevent isolated actions and group of terrorists, information is lacking direct and precise, lack undercover agents even in the sidelines of the dangers subversive.

Published in Africa

Economic bleeding and spirit for Tunisia

Saturday, 27 June 2015 18:39

On the second Friday of Ramadan Daesh launches a global offensive in four states and three continents. The Caliph Black wants to prove to the world that succeeds without investing huge resources to hit any target anywhere. The attack on tourists in five-star resort in Tunisia clearly shows the new strategy at Isis who wants to destroy the Tunisian economy to plunge the country into a deep economic crisis more easily so recruiting men to use in the fight to the West . Do not forget that recruiters find new followers very easily in areas where strong economic suffering social inequalities and poverty are increasing.

Published in Africa

The stabilization of Libya

Monday, 23 March 2015 12:31

Right now a standard peacekeeping mission is useless if not negative for the stabilization of Libya. The problem today is the emulation Isis and the lack of a strong government recognized by all to put the economy. Then you have to facilitate the solution of these two problems with intelligence activities. An intervention on the ground classic coalition would create chaos and lead the tribes are not aligned to counter the Europeans would witness then to suicide bombings and reprisals different. A true gift to Daesh.

Published in Africa

Pieces of news keep arriving from Tunis, where Bardo museum was targeted in a terrorist attack. Questions rise regarding Tunisian forces blitz to set the hostages free as it seems it was inadequate and non-perfectly conducted.

Published in Africa

Boris Nemtsov’s Dossier

Tuesday, 03 March 2015 16:00

The killing of Boris Nemtsov, occurred on February 27 in Moscow, brought a thorny issue back to the public attention, namely the Russian military involvement in Ukrainian crisis. Accusations and denials have been continuously following one another since the beginning of the fighting. 

Published in Asia & Pacific

European press, especially Italian Media, are giving unlimited space to any news concerning Isis. Every day newspapers, TV, credited websites, in fact devote headlines and numerous journalistic services to the threat posed by the Islamic State against Italy. The sharp increase in mainstream media attention, however, is reached when came alarming news on the situation in Libya all over the world, situation ready to explode with serious consequences in southern Europe.


Published in Africa


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