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Amer Al Sabaileh

Amer Al Sabaileh

International Public Relation, Goverment Sector, Business and Human Develpoment, Strategic Analysis.

Member of the teaching staff department of the European languages and Studies University of Jordan – Amman.

Doctorate, Italian Studies University of Pisa “ Arabic and Islamic influence on the other’ s life concepts in the Mediterranean area in the medieval age.

Peace Building and Reconciliation University of Coventry, UK

Master’s degree, Education to peace , International Co – operation, Human Rights and the Politics of the European Union.

Bachelor’s degree-higher diploma, Italian and English literature-Douple Major.

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Building a better future for Jordan’s youth

Monday, 29 November 2021 15:39 Published in Middle East

The main challenge that Jordan faces today is how to reengage its youth, so they feel part of this country, making them protagonists of change and development rather than antagonists of society. While there have been some attempts to address this ongoing problem, it is highly unlikely to resolve if the same people continue with the same approach, narratives and lack of vision that currently dominates the political scene.

In fact, one of the critical underlying drivers of the issue is the political isolation felt amongst the youth in Jordan. Young Jordanians need to be more involved in the political process and break the exclusivity of control amongst the few in power. Over recent years, education levels have risen which has resulted in engagement with political issues and movements amongst the youth in Jordan. Now, they have developed and learned and are seeking freedom of expression, liberty, respect for a diversity of political visions. We must find a way to respect these ideas to prevent a negative atmosphere from dominating the political scene and avoiding a new chapter of turmoil from demonstrations and perhaps clashes with institutions. 

Gli arabi aprono la strada a Damasco. Cosa aspettarsi?

Tuesday, 16 November 2021 19:29 Published in Middle East

Iniziate iniziative di riavvicinamento di alcuni Paesi arabi verso la Siria. Sebbene la visita del ministro degli Esteri degli Emirati a Damasco non sia stata una sorpresa poiché gli Emirati sono sempre stati favorevoli al ricongiungimento con la Siria, è comunque un'importante dimostrazione del potenziale per Damasco di tornare alla Lega araba.

La posizione degli Emirati sulla Siria ha preso una svolta radicale quando il paese del Golfo ha preso posizioni forti contro i gruppi islamici che hanno preso il potere in alcuni paesi arabi durante la primavera araba. Il conflitto tra Emirati Arabi Uniti e Turchia ha spinto anche Abu Dhabi a cambiare posizione in base alla regola; Il nemico del mio nemico è mio amico.

Molti degli ostacoli all'inclusione della Siria sono cambiati. Non c'è un chiaro veto da parte dell'Arabia Saudita, che è la posizione critica sia a livello del Golfo che a livello arabo. Sebbene la posizione degli Stati Uniti sia ancora poco chiara, ma non vi è nemmeno un chiaro veto, nonostante le sanzioni nel Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act, la riconciliazione politica è difficile. L'assenza di una chiara iniziativa degli Stati Uniti nei confronti della Siria incoraggerà i paesi a iniziare a prendere provvedimenti, alcuni potrebbero persino pensare che così facendo gli Stati Uniti saranno obbligati ad accettare questi passi.

National identities evolve but cannot be imposed

Tuesday, 09 November 2021 22:18 Published in Middle East

The debate around national identity in Jordan at the moment is important, particularly at a time of political change or reform. It is also important because it requires more understanding of what people are looking for, particularly after years of depriving people from tapping into their past and the rich cultural heritage that can inform and shape a cultural and national identity going forward.

This debate should not be politicised as it could become the trigger of social divisions, fragmentation and conflict. It is also because without a clear national project and vision there is a risk of conflict within society as some groups hijack the national identity with their vision of the country that is unlikely to be inclusive and accepted by most. 

In our region, the mistake of relying on religion as a source of legitimacy for many political systems have created generations that do not engage with the national identity. This goes back to the end of WWII but was reinforced by the Arab defeat in 1967. Religious identity in this region does not consider borders or recognise nations, instead relying on the concept of Al Umma covering all nations and peoples. In the face of this, it is extremely difficult to build a national identity just for Jordanians. 

Risk indicators: Terrorism might increase

Monday, 01 November 2021 20:43 Published in Middle East

Recently, the US intelligence community has communicated that Daesh and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan could have the capability to conduct international operations, potentially even attacks on US interests, in less than six months, confirming that the terrorist organiations have the intention to do so.

While Afghanistan continues to face serious security concerns, there are also signs of the return of ISIL in Iraq. According to the country’s security forces, the last terrorist attack killed at least 11 civilians and many others were wounded in the ISIL attack on Al Hawasha village in Diyala province in eastern Iraq.


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