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Civil war clouds are gathering above Central African Republic (CAR), a “lawless” country, where the number of clashes between Christians and Muslims is increasing, where armed groups have been accused of atrocities against civil population (including killings, burning villages and child soldiers conscription). That’s the alarm bell that was stressed by the United Nation in late November. 

Published in Africa

While the EU continues to talk about austerity, populism and deficit, among the 28 members of the Union, there are some countries that, silently, could surprise us all: Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic, in fact, are four nations that, despite the present economic crisis forces many governments to review their balance sheets, continue to collect not simply economic successes , but political ones.

It’s not by chance that many big corporations among the most important in the world, such as Audi, IBM or Mercedes-Benz, have decided to inaugurate their new productive branches in the area that, from Tychy, reaches Budapest. 

Published in Europe

It seems incredible but exactly 50 years since the assassination of Kennedy that Dallas is still a struggle against a communist country : China.

This time it comes to Caroline Kennedy, daughter of John , U.S. Ambassador to Japan, who will have to deal with the issue of the Senkaku .

Tuesday, November 26 two unarmed B52 U.S. bombers flew over the airspace of the Senkaku Islands in order to challenge China who in the meantime had declared , in an arbitrary and one-sided that it is its own airspace.

Published in North America


Wednesday, 20 November 2013 13:15

Egypt is using billions of dollars sent by the Arab States of the Gulf its allies in order to try to stimulate the economy as well as to try to keep its streets relatively " calm " in the hope that investors and tourists can soon return .

Egypt has a huge budget deficit , an overvalued currency and an economy in deep crisis.

Published in Middle East


Saturday, 18 May 2013 14:16

The European Union has undeniably made a lot of progress since that day, the Treaty of Rome in 1957.

Almost every aspect of national policy is now determined from Brussels with the European Council and the European Parliament.

The EU now even has its own Foreign Service and is discussing to create your own intelligence and federal police.

After ten years of arduous negotiations, Croatia from July 1, 2013 will become the twenty-eighth member of the EU and will enter the Schengen area by 2015.

Published in Europe

The high level of public debt in Cyprus (86% of GDP) did not allow the government to intervene to save the banks, ricapitalizzandole. The black hole that has plunged the financial sector in Cyprus has undermined the foundations of the entire local economy. GDP fell by 3.3% in 2012, according to the latest estimates for the fourth quarter of last year. Almost 24% of the population (ie, one out of five) is now at risk of poverty.

Published in Europe


Monday, 25 March 2013 14:57

Cipro era uno dei paradisi fiscali dell’Europa, una destinazione ideale per coloro che volevano evitare plusvalenze ottima  per aprire società offshore.

Anche dopo  il suo ingresso  nell'Unione Europea è rimasta sempre una destinazione importante, per molti investitori stranieri (Russi in primo piano).

Un contesto economico efficiente e sofisticato, unito ad una tassazione del 10%, hanno fatto dell'isola un forte polo di attrazione, per il mercato bancario.

Published in Europe

Accordo raggiunto sul salvataggio di Cipro

Saturday, 16 March 2013 11:20

Stanotte è stato raggiunto l'accordo nella riunione dei ministri delle finanze della zona euro: verrà concesso a Cipro un pacchetto da 10 miliardi di euro. Avevamo toccato questo aspetto nell'articolo sull'esito delle elezioni cipriote dove si parlava della necessità di 17,5 miliardi di euro, parlando di alcune perplessità ancora in essere sul paese. Al pacchetto dovrebbe contribuire anche il governo russo, che con il prestito già concesso a Cipro di 2,8 miliardi di euro, estenderà la scadenza dal 2016 al 2021.

Published in Europe

Il 24 febbraio 2013 a Cipro si è svolto il ballottaggio per le elezioni presidenziali. In competizione per la carica di presidente c’erano il candidato del partito di centrodestra “Unione Democratica” (Disy), il conservatore Nicos Anastasiades, e il candidato di sinistra Stavros Malas sostenuto dal partito Akel (Partito Progressista dei Lavoratori). Dei due concorrenti, ha avuto la meglio il conservatore Nikos Anastasiadis, 66enne avvocato, da oggi nuovo presidente della strategica isola mediterranea (in realtà della parte greca - vedi cartina) con il 57,47%.

Published in Europe


Wednesday, 13 February 2013 20:43

Il Venezuela alle prese con l'inflazione, stringe accordi con la Russia, nel frattempo in Colombia non cessano i contrasti interni

Published in Latin America
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