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Internal Affairs and Immigration

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Photo by: EEC PRESS Photo by: EEC PRESS

Criminal organizations that traffic in human beings from North Africa, Syria and other countries with no economic and social stability have slowly changed the techniques of management of migration flows.

For about a month, in fact, they have opened their market sad to small entrepreneurs, traders and ordinary citizens who dream of making money on the skin of thousands of people who flee their countries.

In particular, the Syrian refugees who have chosen the corridor turkish from Bodrum takes them to the island of Kos and then in Europe, this new route has developed a thriving market for inflatable boats, life jackets, marine equipment of various kinds, watertight containers for food and electronic means; in short, everything you need for a journey of a few miles, you reach Kos from Bodrum in about an hour's sail at a speed of 15 \ 18 knots.

The Turkish authorities instead of nip in the bud this wicked trade of boats and nautical equipment they fed allowing anyone traders and ordinary people to sell at inflated prices everything to refugees.

Despite the crossing Bodrum \ Kos is among the simplest, by browsing to view and sea on that stretch not hidden pitfalls special: there have hitherto been many casualties among Syrian refugees caused by the inexperience of the men improvised sailors and boats used inadequate .

One wonders how such a thing can happen when between Bodrum and Kos is a regular ferry service to transport passengers and goods that every day moved tourists from Turkey to Greece and back at a cost of € 10 per person.

Why the turkish government has embarked Syrian refugees on the ferry forgoing unnecessary risks and enormous costs for a trip that, as already said, currently costs 10 €?

Why UN, EU and US have imposed on Erdogan 's obligation to protect and relocate the refugees in Greece safely?

Because NGOs most famous in the world for the protection of human rights, which also benefit from substantial funding, they have not intervened in Greece and Turkey in order to help immigrants? Recall that only Israel has sent rescue workers in hopes of saving lives as possible.

Questions, these, that will remain for years without answers, they wanted to create the refugee emergency, turning the despair of thousands of men in the few economic opportunities for criminals and now in Turkey for the common man who, losing all sense of solidarity, sells travel logistics and rafts refugees gaining a great deal on travel of the same.

In this surreal scenario the only useful solution is the UN management of migration flows, everything else will be just an exercise in rhetoric.

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Sergio Giangregorio

Degree in Political Sciences and International Relations. Specialized in "Speculative models and educational researches in multimedia interaction of I°and II° level", adjunct university professor in investigative subjects with specific expertise on security in urban areas, on intelligence methods and peacekeeping. Communications expert in extreme situations.

Investigative journalist and intelligence analyst, he developed many strategic studies of all theather of war as the balcanic conflict, the Afghanistan's war and conflicts in Iraq and North Africa.

President of the European Center of Orientation and Studies (CEOS).

Director of the monthly magazine on line "Convincere".




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