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Turkey attacks the Isis on Syrian border

Saturday, 25 July 2015 18:34

With improper delay the turkish government decides to get serious in contrast to the militias Isis heavily bombarding a column of terrorists on the border turkish Syrian. So far so explicit action never happened; We are therefore faced with a watershed political: today Turkey has a more ambiguous position of opposition Daesh.

Published in Middle East

Middle East: eyes on Yemen

Thursday, 22 January 2015 19:57

From Yemeni unification to these days: from President Saleh to President Hadi 

The Republic of Yemen bud from the ashes of two independent states, North Yemen (Yemen Arab Republic) and South Yemen (People's Democratic Republic of Yemen), in 1990. 'Ali 'Abd Allah Saleh was the first President of a unified state. Despite the existence of one single country, infighting has been affecting stability in Yemen since its birth: it first survived secessionist efforts in 1994 and then, ten years later, clashes burst out between government troops and followers of Shiite religious leader Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi. 

Published in Middle East


Monday, 05 January 2015 20:07

More than nine months of fighting, more than 4 thousand of people killed[1] , more than 400 thousand internally displaced people[2]: this is the temporary result of the crisis that has been affecting eastern Ukraine, a crisis that seems far from being over. 

Published in Europe

The Dilemma of the Iraqi Christians

Friday, 24 October 2014 12:09

Since the emergence of the modern Iraqi state from and on the ruins of the Ottoman Empire, the Iraqi Christians started to have a ray of hope and experience some religious freedom and active civil participation in public life, based on the new principles of citizenship, nationalism and secularism adopted by the new government in building new institutions for the country. All that made the Iraqi Christians more interactive and the first among others to absorb the changes, being significantly instrumental in rolling the wheel of development.

Published in Middle East

“A Martian Odyssey”: that’s how Stanley Weinbaum entitled one science fiction novel of his in 1994. Same words are oddly suitable in presenting Domenico Quirico’s story.

He disappeared on 9 April in Syria and he returned home on 9 September, finally free again. Quirico has forcedly spent five months into Syrian arid lands, through what he has himself defined as «a sort of an Odyssey» through a prison term experienced within «bombs, breaks and humiliation». He felt it was just like living on the Red Planet: «as though I’ve lived on Mars for five months. And I discovered that Martians are evil […] In detention? They did not treat me properly». Those were Quirico’s first words, words that have been spoken as soon as he landed in Italy.

Published in Italy

On August 2, the U.S. State Department has launched a worldwide alert about the possibility of terrorist attacks from al Qaeda against U.S. personnel in the Middle East and North Africa. The "serious and credible threats" reached U.S. intelligence have led to the announcement of the closure on 4 August of diplomatic offices in 18 countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Libya, Jordan , Qatar, Mauritania, Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Sudan and Yemen. Great Britain will similarly with the closure of the embassy in Yemen, as well as Germany and France.

Published in Middle East
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