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Gianni Giangregorio

Gianni Giangregorio

Laureato in scienze politiche e sociali. Perfezionato presso l’Università degli Studi Roma 3 in  "Modelli Speculativi e ricerche educative nell’interazione multimediale  di primo e secondo livello" ed in "Modelli Speculativi e ricerche educative nell’interazione multimediale come idoneità al sostegno, allo svantaggio all’handicap e all’integrazione".

Criminologo con formazione in criminologia, investigazione e security presso la Libera Università San Pio V di Roma.

Formatore presso la ITM Italmontaggi SPA sui rapporti dei lavoratori italiani all’estero relativamente ai rapporti interpersonali ed interetnici con le popolazioni di cultura islamica.

Come Direttore Amministrativo e Responsabile delle risorse umane della Italmontaggi SPA, Società di montaggi industriali operante nel settore petrolchimico ha svolto attività formativa in Algeria, Libia, Somalia, Iraq, Iran  al personale italiano in loco sugli usi ed i costumi delle popolazioni di religione coranica.

Esperto di Business intelligence.

Website URL:

The news is raw and synthetic means one LMV Lince has been the subject of an attack by hostile elements, the episode is eight June 2013.

A hand grenade was thrown into the military vehicle causing the death of the soldier and the wounding of fellow soldiers.

The claim of the attack by the Taliban, describing the action as a courageous act committed by a "heroic 11 year old Afghan boy who threw the grenade."

How much confusion is created in front of a presumed insult to the religious beliefs of the Muslims, but the history of Hagia Sophia what he tells us, was built starting in 532 and the project was completed in 537 by Justinian I. In 1203, with the Fourth Crusade, the church became a place of Catholic worship, in 1261 it was retaken by the Byzantines, who restored it, but then they were forced to sell it to the Turks, following their conquest of Constantinople, who transformed it into a mosque, disappearing with lime mosaics representing human figures, eliminating the altar and adding the minarets. For more than 900 years Hagia Sophia was the seat of the Orthodox patriarch of Constantinople. In 1934 became a museum, and now we are talking about a museum, unwillingly involved in the film by George Lucas, but exceeded this dissertation history in my opinion necessary time for action:


Friday, 05 April 2013 14:43 Published in Asia & Pacific

North Korea has "officially" informed the White House and the Pentagon of a potential nuclear action, the announcement is a "ruthless nuclear attack." Pyongyang's threats came after the United States agreed to strengthen the defense of the area, with the shift of defense missiles on the island of Guam, where there is an American base, focused attention on the movement of Pyongyang but no alarmism excessive statements, the Pentagon is "a dangerous rhetoric." It is not clear if the North is preparing to shoot, or he's just flexing his muscles, as reported by a South Korean government source.


Tuesday, 02 April 2013 01:22 Published in Europe

The high level of public debt in Cyprus (86% of GDP) did not allow the government to intervene to save the banks, ricapitalizzandole. The black hole that has plunged the financial sector in Cyprus has undermined the foundations of the entire local economy. GDP fell by 3.3% in 2012, according to the latest estimates for the fourth quarter of last year. Almost 24% of the population (ie, one out of five) is now at risk of poverty.


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