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Mario Neri

Mario Neri

Law degree, postgratuated master degree in Criminology. 

International law expert and programs relating to the peacekeeping in crisis areas.

Reserve Officer of the Italian Army "Folgore". Intelligence analyst.


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Thursday, 16 October 2014 20:44 Published in North America

The Secretary of State John Kerry and the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov have reached an agreement, despite the crisis in Ukraine, for an increase of common intelligence about militants ISIS, putting aside brouhaha, focusing on a common enemy. 

Speaking in Paris with his Russian counterpart, Kerry said that the two world powers despite the new "Cold War", due to the role played by Russia in Ukraine, have found ways to work together on global issues although there are large differences in a number of areas. 


Wednesday, 08 October 2014 12:37 Published in Middle East

The President of Turkey Erdogan said yesterday that the Syrian-Kurdish city of Kobani is going to drop thousands of people have fled their homes. 

The prospect that the city could fall into the hands ISIS has increased the pressure on Turkey for the purpose of participation in the international coalition together to fight against the jihadists. 


Friday, 03 October 2014 09:56 Published in Middle East

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his last speech to the UN, described the Islamic state, Iran and the militant group Hamas which controls the Gaza Strip as a single team, adding that the Nazis believed in a master race to which all other races would have to submit the same way the Islamists believe that their faith should be imposed on all other faiths. 


Friday, 04 April 2014 00:00 Published in Europe

Russia's role in international affairs has declined, at least temporarily, Moscow was de facto excluded from the Group of 8 industrialized powers .

The attempt by President Vladimir Putin of using the BRICS emerging powers in order to mitigate the isolation imposed by the West failed because of disputes with China and India about Tibet and Kashmir.


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