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Libya is in full civil war as well as without a Constitution. The Constitution must be drafted by a committee chosen from three regions and will have to take into account the various interests federalist rivals as well as requests from the various tribes fighting each other.

The Libyans federalists are based on old divisions arose before the date when Gaddafi came to power in 1969.

The declarations of independence of Cyrenaica and Fezzan region of the South are likely to aggravate the Libyan chaos with a weak government paralyzed by inertia and armed militias with little popular support, Tripoli is held hostage.

Without a clear response of the central government Libya could further fragment between regions and cities in competition, between ethnic groups and tribal rivals vying for control over oil and gas resources local.

The battle for the oil resources of Libya is in the middle of a conflict between two allied governments and parliaments to a myriad of armed groups fighting for power for four years.

This is in brief the current situation in Libya and it is on this context that will fly the drones that will depart from Sigonella

"There is a risk that boats full of terrorists arrive on the Italian coast" so he warned the Egyptian ambassador in London Nasser Kamel The alert is high, stabilize Libya is the main objective of the Western countries but are enough drones? 


Mario Neri

Law degree, postgratuated master degree in Criminology. 

International law expert and programs relating to the peacekeeping in crisis areas.

Reserve Officer of the Italian Army "Folgore". Intelligence analyst.



Eversione e Terrorismo


Risorse Energetiche

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