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Two explosions at 12 seconds apart rocked the finish line of the Boston Marathon instantly killing three people including a child of 8 years Richard Martin, seriously wounding 140.

The episode of Boston is certainly to be categorized as a terrorist act even though we can not know if it was designed and built by a group of terrorists, foreign or domestic.

Investigators will have to determine whether there is a link between different common events that have materialized on the day of the Boston Marathon, in fact, the day of the marathon is what is called the Patriot's Day, that is when America started the war, for their independence against Great Britain in 1775, April 15 also coincides with the last day to submit the tax return, and finally the last mile (where the bombs exploded) was dedicated this year to the victims of the massacre Newtown Connecticut in December 2012 (which created the campaign of President Obama's arms limitation).

If all these elements also add that the explosive is "craftsmanship" that terrorist acts in Wako, Oklahoma City, Columbine have all occurred in the week of Patriot's Day is not the only track that would remain of domestic terrorism: that of the fanatics of 'extreme right would not be the first time that America must beware of itself, but we hope that this time will be the last.

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Mario Neri

Law degree, postgratuated master degree in Criminology. 

International law expert and programs relating to the peacekeeping in crisis areas.

Reserve Officer of the Italian Army "Folgore". Intelligence analyst.



Eversione e Terrorismo


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