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Wednesday, 28 February 2024 18:08

Il leader nordcoreano Kim Jong Un ha ricevuto in dono un'auto dal presidente russo Vladimir Putin "per suo uso personale", hanno riferito i media ufficiali il 20 febbraio, in quella che potrebbe essere una violazione del divieto delle Nazioni Unite che Mosca aveva accettato di adottare contro Pyongyang. Vladimir Putin ha regalato a Kim Jong-Un una lussuosa limousine russa Aurus perché al leader nordcoreano piaceva molto quell’auto. Il regalo arriva dopo che Kim si è recato in Russia a settembre per incontrare Putin. Durante quella visita, Kim è stato portato a fare un giro sul veicolo ufficiale di Putin l’Aurus, Kim sedeva accanto a Putin in macchina al cosmodromo di Vostochny e sembrava divertirsi. Putin gliel'ha mostrata personalmente. Così ha riferito il portavoce del Cremlino Dmitry Peskov quando gli è stato chiesto informazioni circa il regalo. L’incontro di settembre è stato un punto chiave nelle relazioni nordcoreane-russe. Sia Putin che Kim si trovano ad affrontare l’isolamento dall’Occidente. “La Corea del Nord è il nostro vicino, il nostro vicino più stretto, e intendiamo, e continueremo, a sviluppare le nostre relazioni con tutti i vicini, compresa la Corea del Nord”.

Published in Asia & Pacific


Wednesday, 31 January 2024 18:17

Gli Stati Uniti dicono che bisogna tenere sotto osservazione la Corea del Nord per individuare eventuali segnali di un’azione militare, infatti Il leader della Corea del Nord, Kim Jong-un, potrebbe intraprendere una qualche forma di azione militare contro la Corea del Sud nei prossimi mesi, dopo aver trasformato la sua politica d’attesa, in una politica di aperta ostilità. La Corea del Nord possiede diverse armi nucleari e sta perfezionando i missili progettati per lanciarle. La sfida della Corea del Nord è, come avrebbe detto il presidente Obama all’allora presidente eletto Donald Trump, la sfida alla sicurezza più pericolosa e difficile che dovrà affrontare.

Published in Asia & Pacific


Monday, 12 March 2018 15:17

It is expected that President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, according to South Korean officials, may meet by the end of May 2018 even if neither the date nor the place have been set yet.

Regarding the place could be Ulan Bator (Mongolia) or from the other side Sweden or Switzerland the latter is the only country known to Kim, he studied there under a pseudonym as a young man, in fact he never leaves North Korea to avoid attacks on his person or coups.

Published in Asia & Pacific

Rex Tillerson segretario di stato americano è in Cina quando riceve notizia dell'annuncio di Kim Jong-un leader nordcoreano, sul test del nuovo tipo di motore ad alta spinta per alimentare i propri missili. Quella che viene definita "nuova nascita" dalla Corea del Nord in realtà è una stabile crescita, già pianificata e prevista.

Published in Asia & Pacific

Seoul and Pyongyang reach agreement

Tuesday, 25 August 2015 14:39

Early on Tuesday, Seoul and Pyongyang reached agreement to end the crisis that began last week

Talks between North and South Korea started Saturday evening, after the 48 hour North Korean ultimatum expired.

According to the agreement, Seoul will stop all loudspeaker propaganda broadcasts (Measure 3) while Pyongyang will lift the semi-war state that was declared on Friday (Measure 4).

Published in Asia & Pacific

On Thursday afternoon, North Korea fired a rocket at South Korean positions. A second attack was reported and according to Col. Jeon Ha-gyu (South Korean military spokesman) it consisted in several rounds of 76.2 mm direct weapons. South Korea retaliated with a dozen 155 mm howitzer shells. No casualties have been reported so far.

This is the most relevant episode in five years. Three factors play a role here: the explosion of a mine earlier this month that injured two South Korean soldiers who belonged to a border patrol unit; the broadcast of South Korean propaganda messages via loudspeakers along the border; and an annual US-South Korea joint military exercise that started on Monday.

Published in Asia & Pacific

Russia China on nuclear power

Tuesday, 11 August 2015 13:57

Ambassador of South Korea in China Park Ro- Byug hopes the urgent resumption of the resumption of six-party talks on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

The six-party talks that include Russia, North Korea, the US, China, Japan and South Korea are at a standstill since 2009.

Published in Asia & Pacific

It seems incredible but exactly 50 years since the assassination of Kennedy that Dallas is still a struggle against a communist country : China.

This time it comes to Caroline Kennedy, daughter of John , U.S. Ambassador to Japan, who will have to deal with the issue of the Senkaku .

Tuesday, November 26 two unarmed B52 U.S. bombers flew over the airspace of the Senkaku Islands in order to challenge China who in the meantime had declared , in an arbitrary and one-sided that it is its own airspace.

Published in North America


Tuesday, 23 April 2013 02:03

North Korea could declare the victory to his people by claiming that the threats of the past days have pushed the Americans to end the military exercises conducted jointly with South Korea and to abandon a potential invasion plan.

Published in Asia & Pacific

North Korea dog that barks not bite

Thursday, 11 April 2013 22:04

What does hope to get Kim Jong-un by its aggressive stance for now we can not know. One thing is very likely that he will move risky.

The North Korean dictator is in fact fully rely policy that has imposed the Obama administration called "Strategic Patience".

The United States, however, in response have deployed in the area B2 and B52 bombers, F22 raptors invisible to radar and anti-missile ships and to defend Guam from a missile attack the THAAD system (which is not good news to China).


Published in Asia & Pacific
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