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Missile Missile

North Korea has "officially" informed the White House and the Pentagon of a potential nuclear action, the announcement is a "ruthless nuclear attack." Pyongyang's threats came after the United States agreed to strengthen the defense of the area, with the shift of defense missiles on the island of Guam, where there is an American base, focused attention on the movement of Pyongyang but no alarmism excessive statements, the Pentagon is "a dangerous rhetoric." It is not clear if the North is preparing to shoot, or he's just flexing his muscles, as reported by a South Korean government source.

And from South Korea comes the latest information on the military actions of Pyongyang: "The South Korean and U.S. intelligence authorities have detected signs that North Korea has placed medium-range missiles on its eastern coast." And from South Korea comes the latest information on the military actions of Pyongyan.

 It would be a missile capable of reaching its U.S. base in Guam. Among other objectives of North Korean missiles there would be Hawaii and Alaska.

The turn that events have taken on the Korean peninsula have begun to unnerve the global financial markets, which are also accustomed to the bellicose rhetoric of North Korea to the South and the United States. "It is assumed that it is only strong words," said Rob Ryan , strategist at RBS in Singapore. "But we have reached a level of tension that things can not get worse without a real firefight."

 One of the most tense situations at the moment is that of the Kaesong Industrial District, a region of North Korea at the border with the South, where people of the two countries working together: there now for two days Pyongyang denies entry to workers and means of Seoul.

The scope of the report is summarized in the tone used by the media in Seoul, much of wonder and surprise to a scenario repeatedly threatened from the north, but never implemented in the decade of life in which he was able to have a co-operation between the two countries. Not surprisingly, with the surge voltage, the Minister of Defense in Seoul, Kim Kwan-jin, assured the examination of all possible options, including the military in the event of a worst case scenario, if the safety of their workers North Korean enclave is found to be at risk.

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Gianni Giangregorio

Laureato in scienze politiche e sociali. Perfezionato presso l’Università degli Studi Roma 3 in  "Modelli Speculativi e ricerche educative nell’interazione multimediale  di primo e secondo livello" ed in "Modelli Speculativi e ricerche educative nell’interazione multimediale come idoneità al sostegno, allo svantaggio all’handicap e all’integrazione".

Criminologo con formazione in criminologia, investigazione e security presso la Libera Università San Pio V di Roma.

Formatore presso la ITM Italmontaggi SPA sui rapporti dei lavoratori italiani all’estero relativamente ai rapporti interpersonali ed interetnici con le popolazioni di cultura islamica.

Come Direttore Amministrativo e Responsabile delle risorse umane della Italmontaggi SPA, Società di montaggi industriali operante nel settore petrolchimico ha svolto attività formativa in Algeria, Libia, Somalia, Iraq, Iran  al personale italiano in loco sugli usi ed i costumi delle popolazioni di religione coranica.

Esperto di Business intelligence.


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