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USA fake

Thursday, 13 April 2017 12:47

Dopo le denunce verbali senza riscontri, dopo le dichiarazioni dei militari americani che dicono al mondo di aver visto dal satellite che l’aviazione siriana di Assad bombardava con il gas sarin la popolazione civile anche questa volta senza riscontri e senza aver portato i tracciati da cui inequivocabilmente sarebbe stato possibile capire se l’attacco chimico era stato programmato da Assad, ecco l’ennesimo colpo di scena.

Published in North America

Trump il presidente flessibile

Friday, 07 April 2017 20:01

Dall’attendismo di Obama siamo passati all’interventismo di Trump, il gioco come al solito è truccato ed il nuovo Presidente Usa governa gli Stati Uniti sempre più a corrente alternata.

Sulla vicenda di Idlib ha dichiarato e messo in pratica la sua flessibilità peccato che lo abbia fatto senza alcun riscontro oggettivo, senza alcuna prova che il responsabile della strage sia stato Assad e senza neppure cercare di capire perché è successo e quali agenti chimici siano stati usati.

Published in North America

Armi chimiche in Siria

Friday, 07 April 2017 19:22

Idlib sotto attacco, uccisi con armi chimiche numerosi civili e molti bambini, l’orrore torna in Siria e subito i Media di tutto il mondo hanno individuato in Assad il responsabile del massacro.

Anche questa volta senza alcuna prova oggettiva e senza mostrare i tracciati radar statunitensi che potrebbero dire senza ombra di dubbio quali e quanti aerei da combattimento e quando hanno sorvolato Idlib.

Published in Middle East

Earlier today, a tactical Russian Sukhoi Su-24 warplane was shot down by two Turkish F-16 jets. Predictably, Russia and Turkey red the episode in opposite ways: according to Ankara, the Russian jet violated its national airspace and ignored all the warning given by the Turkish pilots; according to Moscow, however, its bomber aircraft was flying above Syrian territory near the border and may have been shot down by Turkish artillery.

Published in Middle East

Global strategy to face growing terrorism

Monday, 23 November 2015 14:32

The November 13 attacks in Paris show that Daesh has moved to a most serious phase, targeting civilians going about their daily activities. The several almost simultaneous attacks in Paris placed all life activities under threat. The strikes targeted a stadium where an international football game was playing in the presence of the French president, a music hall and a restaurant. 

Published in Middle East


Tuesday, 06 October 2015 15:58

Come tutti sapete, nel gioco degli scacchi il cavallo si muove ad elle sulla scacchiera, va avanti ed indietro ed incide sulla vittoria finale.

In questa altalena riesce a bloccare le mosse dell’avversario oppure a confondere il gioco.

Published in Middle East

Internal Affairs and Immigration

Tuesday, 22 September 2015 00:47

Criminal organizations that traffic in human beings from North Africa, Syria and other countries with no economic and social stability have slowly changed the techniques of management of migration flows.

For about a month, in fact, they have opened their market sad to small entrepreneurs, traders and ordinary citizens who dream of making money on the skin of thousands of people who flee their countries.

In particular, the Syrian refugees who have chosen the corridor turkish from Bodrum takes them to the island of Kos and then in Europe, this new route has developed a thriving market for inflatable boats, life jackets, marine equipment of various kinds, watertight containers for food and electronic means; in short, everything you need for a journey of a few miles, you reach Kos from Bodrum in about an hour's sail at a speed of 15 \ 18 knots.

Published in Europe

Earlier this month, French President François Hollade asked to his Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian to launch reconnaissance flights over Syria in case of new potential raids against the Islamic State. On September 16, Le Drian himself declared that France may strike in the "coming weeks […] once we have well identified targets" (source: Bloomberg). In this way, Paris is going to expand its action from Iraq to Syria.

Published in Middle East

Return to al-Qaeda

Friday, 21 August 2015 14:22

Al Qaeda is back on the media world thanks to an audio message released on the occasion of the agreement between the Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri and Taliban commander Akhtar Mohammad Mansour.

In the message, Zawahiri introduced as a new organization ideologue son of Osama Bin Laden, Hamza, Al Qaeda has never accepted the inheritance, but now he needs to compose himself giving a positive image, to remember here is that Bin Laden through the child can be positive.

Published in Middle East

Recent major developments (political, security, etc.) In the Middle East represent a challenge that seriously jeopardizes the identity of this region. In addition, the rise of sectarian atmosphere "ethnic-religious" increases the risks that arise especially with the growing state of psychological division that now dominates the mentality of a majority of citizens in the Middle East.

Among the most important challenges facing the Middle East today is the idea of the impossibility of coexistence between the peoples of the region, which requires an application to the Division-based religious or ethnic or sectarian. This simply means a complex recipe that will lead to a fragmentation of the long term.

Published in Middle East


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