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On March 4 Sergei Skripal a former Russian military intelligence agent who betrayed dozens of Russian agents his friends and fellow soldiers to British intelligence, and his daughter were poisoned with Novichok nerve gas about 10 times more powerful than sarin.

Vil Mirzayanov, a former Soviet scientist who has contributed to the development and testing of the Novichok chemical agent who is now expatriated in New Jersey, has stated that he has no doubt that Russian President Vladimir Putin is directly responsible because Russia maintains very close control over stocks of novichok.

British Prime Minister Theresa May said that President Putin is most likely to be behind the attack and sends a 24-hour ultimatum to give directions to the British government.


Russian officials say that Britain has not produced any concrete evidence about the involvement of Russia and dismisses the Kremlin involvement charges by calling them a circus show, but instead they contend that Britain does not want to share technical information about poisoning with scientists Russians. In the past we have had similar cases remember the former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko who died in 2006 after drinking polonium green tea sweetened 210 a very rare and powerful radioactive isotope at the Millenium Hotel in London city where he had expatiated six years earlier, and Viktor Yushchenko in 2012 Ukrainian opposition leader poisoned in 2004, with a soup seasoned with dioxin managed to save himself, however, remained disfigured.

Vaily Nebenzya Russian permanent representative at the UN has compared the British government to Inspector LeStrade an "unlucky" investigator of the stories of Sherlock Holmes The Roads always clings to something superficial of the crime being investigated and is in a hurry to get to trivial conclusions that will then have to be overthrown by Sherlock Holmes, adding that Mr. Skripal was no longer a threat to Russia and that London created a hysterical atmosphere trying to influence the public and avoiding being transparent.

The ultimatum of London is something we can not pay attention to, says Nebenzya we do not speak the language of the ultimatum and we will not allow anyone to speak to us in this language.

Thus putting an end to British colonialism once and for all.



Mario Neri

Law degree, postgratuated master degree in Criminology. 

International law expert and programs relating to the peacekeeping in crisis areas.

Reserve Officer of the Italian Army "Folgore". Intelligence analyst.



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