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A political solution for Syria?

Monday, 15 December 2014 10:20

The Russians have lately had a dynamic and innovative diplomacy, leaning towards finding a political solution to the Syrian crisis. With the regional priorities shifting from political resolution to combating terrorism, the Russians are alone in this pursuit.

Published in Middle East

Europe faces challenging waves of terrorism

Tuesday, 09 December 2014 00:00

With the list of countries targeted by terrorism growing, we are starting to see an impact on the internal policies of various other countries also impacted. Concern is particularly growing in Europe as a result of the level of involvement many of its citizens and residents have in these terrorist groups.

Published in Middle East

Two attacks (one in Nigeria, the other one in Saudi Arabia) killed Shiite people gathered to celebrate Islamic festivity of Ashura.


A kamikaze is said to have blown himself up in the town of Potiskum, commercially-relevant city in the state of Yobe in North-Eastern Nigeria. Although pieces of news about the number of victims are non-unanimous, it is thought that from 15 to 30 people lost their lives. At present, there is no claim of responsibility but Boko Haram Sunni gunmen are the main suspects.

Published in Middle East


Thursday, 16 October 2014 20:44

The Secretary of State John Kerry and the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov have reached an agreement, despite the crisis in Ukraine, for an increase of common intelligence about militants ISIS, putting aside brouhaha, focusing on a common enemy. 

Speaking in Paris with his Russian counterpart, Kerry said that the two world powers despite the new "Cold War", due to the role played by Russia in Ukraine, have found ways to work together on global issues although there are large differences in a number of areas. 

Published in North America

With every passing month, the evolution of the hot Ukrainian question is delivering the international political scene a really unusual Germany: the analysts do not harbour any doubts about it. For decades we have been accustomed to the image of a country that was forced by his lumbering past to limit its initiatives in the international scene to the field of the cooperation for economical development –certainly a meritorious contribution-, refusing to play a leading role in the international political-military balances. In other words, Germany had to do everything possible to try to remove all traces of his aggressive nationalism, swept away along with the famous first verse of the German national anthem, "Deutschland über alles in der Welt".

Published in Europe


Wednesday, 08 October 2014 12:37

The President of Turkey Erdogan said yesterday that the Syrian-Kurdish city of Kobani is going to drop thousands of people have fled their homes. 

The prospect that the city could fall into the hands ISIS has increased the pressure on Turkey for the purpose of participation in the international coalition together to fight against the jihadists. 

Published in Middle East


Tuesday, 07 October 2014 18:03

A picture that has been seen all over the world: a black flag waving on the top of a building in Kobani (also known as Ayn al-Arab), a Kurdish town in northern Syria, just 15 kilometres from the Turkish border.

Beware not to talk about a forthcoming invasion toward Europe though. It must be considered that Turkey is neither Syria nor Iraq. Unlike the other two states: Turkey benefits from an essential political and institutional stability that guarantees solidity to the whole country, Turkish armed forces are both better prepared and equipped and, finally, Turkey is NATO Member State and would receive necessary support from the Alliance in case of spillover.

Published in Middle East


Friday, 03 October 2014 09:56

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his last speech to the UN, described the Islamic state, Iran and the militant group Hamas which controls the Gaza Strip as a single team, adding that the Nazis believed in a master race to which all other races would have to submit the same way the Islamists believe that their faith should be imposed on all other faiths. 

Published in Middle East


Thursday, 25 September 2014 17:26

“There can be no reasoning, no negotiation, with this brand of evil. The only language understood by killers like this is the language of force”[1]. With these words US President Barack Obama addressed the 69th UN General Assembly while talking about Islamic State issue adding that “the United States of America will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death”[2].

Published in Europe

Reality Isis

Sunday, 14 September 2014 13:25

The Isis has a very diverse staff consists of former military personnel and specialists coming from extreme Islamist Middle East Asia and Europe, as well as their acceded to the Caliphate, even non-experts who recruited through the known channels, pseudo-religious, after a brief training (three to six months depending on your needs) are placed in the ranks of the rebels; make an exact estimate of the number of members is currently impossible, however, we can assume a number that fluctuates between 28,000 and 40,000 men. 

Published in Middle East
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