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Netanyahu exploits Charlie Hebdo for his own motives

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The way Netanyahu appeared during Paris march against terrorism shows the desire of the Israeli Prime Minister to change the recent American and European pressure that Netanyahu is suffering from his role in derail Kerry’s peace proposal, refusal to stop the settlements etc. suddenly Paris attacks turned to be a manifestation of an anti-Semitism, and Jews of Europe became the main target of these attacks.

Many points should be considered when studying Netanyahu’s latest move. First, the call of the Israeli prime minister directed to the Jewish community in France to go back living in Israel, as if Israel is a safer country for them. This might be seen from two dimensions, the failure of achieving the Jewish state as the region was heading toward a division based on religious and ethnic origins. This means that going back to the demographic factor is becoming essential, therefore, in order to face the highly increasing demographic rates of the Arab surround countries makes of increasing the number of population of Israel is a must.

The other dimension might be linked to the position that these Jewish communities are taking from Netanyahu himself and his politics. Many believe that Netanyahu has killed any hope for future peace and harmed these communities even in the countries where they are living and of course the fear they have from visiting Israel. Moreover, these communities started also to be part of the Israeli electoral competition supporting Netanyahu’s opposition groups. Therefore, Netanyahu exploitation of the situation in Paris can be read in the context of the expansion of the security hype strategy, adopted by Netanyahu all over the pas years. The conclusion of Netanyahu’s’ move aimed to move himself from a critical political position to a direct partner of fighting terrorism campaign.

Paris incidents represent an important maneuver in the new version of combating terrorism. Actually, the incident is not less important than to September 11th and the first version of fighting terrorism. The second version of  fighting terrorism should not be a tool for political exploitation or a path for many rulers and governments for rebuilding their images otherwise, the world might witness some very critical moments coming that’s hard to prevent.

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Amer Al Sabaileh

International Public Relation, Goverment Sector, Business and Human Develpoment, Strategic Analysis.

Member of the teaching staff department of the European languages and Studies University of Jordan – Amman.

Doctorate, Italian Studies University of Pisa “ Arabic and Islamic influence on the other’ s life concepts in the Mediterranean area in the medieval age.

Peace Building and Reconciliation University of Coventry, UK

Master’s degree, Education to peace , International Co – operation, Human Rights and the Politics of the European Union.

Bachelor’s degree-higher diploma, Italian and English literature-Douple Major.


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