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Keeping up to date with challenges

Martedì, 29 Marzo 2016 10:09

Since the first intervention of the Russian military in Syria, the battle against Daesh had turned to a new breadth. The terrorist group started to broaden its target map, trying to prove its capacity to rule everywhere.

Published in Medio Oriente

Through actions, not words

Mercoledì, 16 Dicembre 2015 11:07

The current security challenges in the region are pushing many countries to think of an efficient anti-terror strategy. Yet, there are concerns about the real objectives of such a strategy and the countries that should play a role.

Published in Medio Oriente

Europe security challenges

Martedì, 01 Dicembre 2015 15:13

European security services, nowadays; are coming across one of its most serious stages: the challenges of dealing with the recent threats caused by many factors, more importantly the mis-coordination between the various branches of security services in Europe or within the same country.

Published in Europa

Europe faces challenging waves of terrorism

Domenica, 11 Gennaio 2015 00:53

Pubblicato in data 8 dicembre 2014:

Europe faces challenging waves of terrorism

With the list of countries targeted by terrorism growing, we are starting to see an impact on the internal policies of various other countries also impacted. Concern is particularly growing in Europe as a result of the level of involvement many of its citizens and residents have in these terrorist groups.

Concern is growing amongst citizens, security officials believe the risks are increasing and Europe is a potential target and are calling for an effective strategy to be implemented. There are growing signs of radicalization across Europe. Aside from exploitation of human rights, social services and the more effective facilitation of daily life are major challenges that Europe already faces.

Published in Europa

Europe faces challenging waves of terrorism

Martedì, 09 Dicembre 2014 00:00

With the list of countries targeted by terrorism growing, we are starting to see an impact on the internal policies of various other countries also impacted. Concern is particularly growing in Europe as a result of the level of involvement many of its citizens and residents have in these terrorist groups.

Published in Medio Oriente


Eversione e Terrorismo


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