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Medio Oriente

Medio Oriente

Since the first intervention of the Russian military in Syria, the battle against Daesh had turned to a new breadth. The terrorist group started to broaden its target map, trying to prove its capacity to rule everywhere.

Martedì, 29 Marzo 2016 10:09
Published in Medio Oriente
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Hanno scelto Bruxelles perché è il simbolo dell'Europa che ha rinunciato ai suoi valori per una pace mai arrivata. Hanno scelto Bruxelles perché in Belgio i Jahidisti sono stati per anni tollerati fino ad avere una vera e propria egemonia etnica.

Giovedì, 24 Marzo 2016 14:04
Published in Europa
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A political solution for Syria seems to be top priority for both Moscow and Washington. To achieve it, Russia and the US supported two important decisions: “To stop financing terrorism” and “to impose a political settlement”.

Mercoledì, 23 Marzo 2016 15:34
Published in Medio Oriente
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In the Middle East, people are used to seeing the US president in his last months in office attempt to relaunch the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. This seems to be the case with President Barack Obama who, according to Wall Street Journal, will try to follow the path of his predecessors by trying to revive the peace talk during the final months of his presidency.

Lunedì, 14 Marzo 2016 11:55
Published in Medio Oriente
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The ceasefire agreement in Syria was imposed by a UN resolution in order to make a political settlement in Syria possible. The ceasefire will help restructure the status of various fighting groups and hopefully will put an end to the chaotic supply of weapons.

Lunedì, 07 Marzo 2016 14:31
Published in Medio Oriente
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Moscow and Washington seem to have uncharacteristically reached a compromise in their positions on the issue of a political solution in Syria since Russia intervened militarily in Syria. The Russo-American rapprochement tests the political flexibility of most regional players.

Martedì, 16 Febbraio 2016 10:04
Published in Medio Oriente
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Despite the attempts of some Syrian groups to block the Geneva III meeting, the Russians’ and Americans’ wish to hold the talks seems to have won.

Giovedì, 04 Febbraio 2016 11:38
Published in Medio Oriente
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The battle against “de-radicalisation” is proving long and complicated, as it has to effect a widespread cultural change. The battle is based on long-, medium- and short-term strategies.

Lunedì, 28 Dicembre 2015 16:00
Published in Medio Oriente
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The current security challenges in the region are pushing many countries to think of an efficient anti-terror strategy. Yet, there are concerns about the real objectives of such a strategy and the countries that should play a role.

Mercoledì, 16 Dicembre 2015 11:07
Published in Medio Oriente
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The most important challenge is overturning the stereotype of the terrorist defined over the last three decades; especially now that they have young people with Western appearance and accents

Domenica, 06 Dicembre 2015 15:33
Published in Medio Oriente
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